Estate Planning Blog Articles

Serving Clients in Woodbridge, Prince William county, and throughout Virginia
as well as in maryland, west virginia, and the district of columbia

letter of last instruction

How Do I Create a Letter of Last Instruction?

A letter of last instruction is a document that outlines funeral planning processes and arrangements. A letter of last instruction should not be confused with a will or testament, which is a legal document that expresses an individual’s wishes on how and to whom their estate should be transferred after their death.

Can Mom Live in the Backyard?

A tiny home in retirement could be a more-affordable way to downsize and still be close to family.
revocable trust

What Happens If Trust Not Funded

Revocable trusts are a very popular and effective estate-planning tool. However, the trust will be ineffective, if you do not actually place your assets in the trust.

How Do You Keep Inheritance Money Separate?

Everything each spouse earns during their marriage is community property. Fortunately, a gift or inheritance is separate property. However, that’s only half the battle.
retirement planning
Assisted Living

Have Your Parents Planned Carefully for Retirement?

According to Pew Research, roughly 13 percent of self-employed workers in single-person firms reported participating in retirement plans at their current jobs, compared to almost three-quarters of traditional workers.
estate planning documents
Advance Directive

What Legal Documents Should You Have?

A majority of retirees—53%—have a last will and testament. However, most lack six other crucial legal documents.
estate planning mistakes
Estate Planning

Should I Create Estate Plan Myself?

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has pushed many people to make long-delayed decisions about estate planning. Many people will try the do-it-yourself route via various websites or books. Internet DIY websites make it easy to download forms, but there are mistakes people make when they try do-it-yourself estate planning.
Alzheimer’s Disease

Why Does Mom Tell Me One Thing and My Brother the Exact Opposite?

These inconsistent messages can be confusing under ordinary circumstances but make family caregiving much more complicated.
irrevocable trust
Asset Protection

Is an Irrevocable Trust a Good Idea?

Like a lot of estate planning vehicles, irrevocable trusts work very well for some purposes—particularly for tax avoidance and asset protection—and not so well for other purposes.
blended families
Blended Family

How Can Blended Families Use Estate Planning to Protect All of the Siblings?

No matter how solid the relationships might be, it is important for parents to be aware how blended families can create unique estate planning issues.